Friday, September 11, 2009

The Hype About Herbal Chinese Tea.

East Asia but is abundant in all western developed states. Some of the facts that have been associated with leukemia are high voltage power lines and folk living close to these have a way higher risk factor. Food items related to leukemia are aspartame, the synthetic sweetener in several soft drinks and gum. Sodium nitrite is another, the addition is employed in luncheon meats. Foods that are known to help leukemia patients are turmeric, the root plant that's the yellow colouring employed in curry powder, bananas, oranges as well as grape seed extract.

These herbs are boiled in water and served like a tea but without the tea plant, Camellia sinensis.

However, this is the standard herbal Chinese tea which is pretty much different to the herbal Chinese tea we all know of today. Raspberry Leaf is used to help forestall miscarriage when pregnant, help reduce the effects of morning illness and treat uterine issues. It could also be used for motion illness and to sooth the throat. Licorice is used to relieve ulcers and sore throats. Anise can flush out bugs from the body, treat digestive issues, relieve menstrual cramps and relieve toothaches. All cancers including leukemia have many known causes and these are, nutritive inadequacies, our inactive way of life and the chemicals we encounter every day.

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